Weekend Only

On a show I was watching recently, the person was talking about their “weekend car”, an 80 year old relic, handed down through the generations of their family, lovingly restored, and driven (slowly) on sunny weekend mornings. 

The traditional rhythm of life tends to leave us with a number of “weekend only” things. 

On the one hand this provides us with something to look forward to and a break from the weekday routine. It can also wreak havoc with important habits and practices, making it more difficult to stay on track and make progress.

Increasingly we are seeing a blurring of the lines between work and life. It was well underway pre-Covid, and the greater availability of hybrid and remote work, a reassessment of priorities and values, and our need to flex and adapt to rapid change over the last couple of years, gives us pause to reflect on what our ideal rhythm might look like.

Where is your rhythm of work and life in transition?

How has your weekday and weekend routines changed, and how do they remain the same?

What habits and practices are important to maintain on a daily/weekly/monthly rhythm?

What pattern of rest and recovery serves you best?

Where are the tension points between what works for you, and the expectations of others?

What does your ideal work and life rhythm look like?

In times of change, it’s good to step back and reflect, reassess, and realign where we are now with where we want to be. What do you see when you pause to reflect this weekend?


Power of New


Self Grace