Ups & Downs

Watching the mountain stages of the cycling race, Giro D’Italia, reminds me of many a change journey.

The goal is clear and the pathway is mapped out.

All that stands between you and the goal are a number of mountain climbs. Change journeys, and multi-stage cycling races, are never easy!

In both, the climbs are hard work. Long and torturous at times, and no matter the tools at your disposal (such as fancy, lightweight bikes with a gazillion gears) making progress comes from persistent and consistent effort.

Each high point is an achievement - an opportunity for a mini-celebration and an energy gel, or two. Cruising downwards, it’s time for a rest and to conserve energy as you plan for the next climb.

Up. Down. Up. Down.

And, whether it’s stage 2 or 20, with your eye on the prize, you can keep peddling toward that goal..


Never Say Never


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