
drip by drip572.png

“That can NOT be comfortable!”

An oft-made statement in my household as we look at how the dog is sleeping.

To each of us 2-legged household members, it seems like the most uncomfortable thing ever. Yet, the deep snoring sounds from the 4-legged one speak only of comfort.

Whilst channeling our inner Springer Spaniel might be a step too far for most, we can all become more comfortable with the seemingly uncomfortable.

This is the premise behind that other oft-made statement of “step outside your comfort zone”.

Because if we’re to change things up and try something new, it’s going to feel a bit like sleeping with your head hanging off the couch, or something similar. When the change we seek is worth it to us, we’ll give anything a try and slowly but surely it becomes less uncomfortable.

Before you know it we’re actively looking for the opportunity to sleep with our back legs pointing left, our front ones to the right and our head upside down. Who said that’s uncomforta ... 💤 💤💤


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