Too Busy Being Busy

Too busy being busy.

How often can we find ourselves in the downward spiral of busyness!

The ultimate challenge for those of us who answered this rhetorical question with “too often” is what happens when we land at the bottom of the busyness spiral.

Helpful advice sounds like:

take a step back,

Take a deep breath,

Ask for help,

Delegate some things,

Learn to say ‘No’,

Use the [insert productivity hack of choice] method/app,

And more.

In the moment, helpful advice may be out of reach. Overwhelm, anxiety and the urgency of doing takes over.

We remain in the impossible state of being too busy being busy.

Perhaps the Shakespearean wisdom of “Come what come may, Time and the hour runs through the roughest day” is the balm for our overwhelm and busyness spiral.

Time can bring relief and change, and when we allow it there is often a natural exit to our too busy state.

And, as we find ourselves out of the spiral, we can once again reflect on, and use, the helpful advice. Busyness is an unhelpful feature of work and life, and I’m curious, how you navigate the road to being purposefully productive instead.


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