We Can All Lead

Contrary to popular (or should I say, traditional) belief, we can all lead.

Too many of our teams, projects, and workplaces are structured around a premise of the one, strong, all-knowing leader. Or, the small-numbered group of those who will lead the way.

What if we were to build our teams, projects and workplaces around a different premise.

Because we can all lead.

We can come together as leaders, peers, co-creators and collaborators.

We can share purpose and direction.

We can walk alongside each other.

We can respect, support and encourage.

We can follow when needed. We can lead when needed.

We can contribute and we can listen.

We can ask and we can suggest.

We can experiment and discover.

We can adapt and iterate.

We can decide.

We can do.

Because we can all lead, we can all lead such a change. If we want to, and when we choose to.

If you’ve never experienced working on a project, or in a team and workplace with dispersed, shared leadership, it can seem a utopian dream.

If you have experienced it, you are changed forever.

Nelson Mandela inspired us with the words: it always seems impossible until it is done.

If it seems impossible to you, maybe it’s worth trying.




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