Time For Curiosity

Curiosity is at the core of making change happen.

In a recent conversation with a senior leader, we discussed how there’s not enough curiosity in our workplaces.

I’m not surprised. There is neither the time nor priority given to inviting curiosity. Because it requires more than a token effort.

Curiosity involves taking a deep breath, a long (and longer) look, a closer investigation, and rich listening.

Curiosity requires the creating space to wonder.

Curiosity requires the allowing people time to wander.

Curiosity requires a trust in the value of not knowing.

Curiosity requires a willingness to play and experiment.

Curiosity requires the permission to be curious.

When we truly want innovation and change in our workplaces, we must invest in curiosity.

Curious teams. Curious leaders. Curious systems. That is how we make change happen.


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