Time For A Break

It’s not going anywhere.

It being the list of things hiding within emails, calendars, task management notifications, or piled on your desk.

It will be there next week, or the week after, patiently (or not) waiting for us.

It is why time management masters have always suggested that we can empty our virtual (and back in the day, desktop) inboxes into the trash, knowing that the important and urgent will find its way back to us.

And, whilst many a time I have contemplated doing just that, I haven’t (yet).

Instead, I know that I can close the laptop, mute the notifications and take a break. Because it’s not going anywhere, and that’s ok. It gives me the permission and freedom to take the foot off the pedal, relax and return, refreshed and ready to keep going.

I hope you are able to do the same.


Always Be Learning


What’s Your Priority