
The first day of a new month can be frustrating for some of us. As the calendar ticks over it can be a stark reminder of the struggle to progress our goals.

False starts. Too busy. Changing expectations. Too stressed.

No wonder we find ourselves in the 80% of people who don’t achieve what we set out to change.

When we hit a brick wall of change, it can result in us feeling that we’re not good enough, wondering if we have the drive, motivation, discipline or capability to achieve the success we strive for.

Yet, an often-overlooked factor in making change happen is the awareness and understanding of our unique thinking.

Our cognitive diversity is a strength to be tapped into.

Understanding HOW YOU THINK makes you clearer about WHAT YOU WANT and competent in WHAT YOU DO to bring about change and achieve your goals.

As the saying goes, “a goal without a plan is just a wish” and the joy of having a one in 7+ billion brain, is that your thinking provides your best plan for the change you seek.


Time Bonus


Reflection Points