The Joy Of Homework

The beauty of homework

is in the eye of the beholder.

For many a teenager at school, homework is seen as (or portrayed as) a drudge. It is often something you have to do in fear of reprisal.

For the life-long learner, homework is a joy. It is something you choose to do as part of pursuing mastery and growth in things that interest you and serve your goals.

Many of the life-long learners I hang out with joke about tapping into their inner nerd. Perhaps, harking back to those times when we didn’t like (or admit to liking) study, homework or the like.

Or, perhaps we get to wear it as a badge of honour.

Over the last couple of weeks, working with illustrious story guide Diane Wyzga of Quarter Moon Story Arts, I have been assigned the homework tasks of tapping back into the many work stories that have led me to the work I do today. It is an invigorating journey of discovery, as I join the dots of past and present, and my unique philosophy of thriving, human-focused workplaces.

I have embodied the same joy I see on the faces of people I work with when I suggest extra activities supporting their learning and growth.

We life-long learners seek out the virtuous circle of






meaning, and


There is beauty in all of this, and if it is homework that gets us there, then we life-long learners say, yes please.


Real Wants


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