That Took For..Ev..Er

That took FOR…EV…ER!

It may be a me thing, but do you have workdays where you find yourself sounding like an impatient driver stuck in a traffic jam, exaggerating about the extra few minutes on your commute?

Yes, forever is hyperbolic.

Yet sometimes our work experiences are all about how it feels, not how it is.

Whether it is one (supposedly) small task on the to do list, or getting buy in for a major change, it feels like such a long time. Leaving us feeling frustrated, annoyed, harried or hurried.

When we find ourselves feeling this way, it’s good to remember the words of poet, Mary Oliver:

Things take the time they take. Don’t worry.

Onwards we go to the next ‘it might take FOR…EV…ER or not’ thing.


Shape The Future


I’m Going To Do It