Testing … Testing …

I moved the cord, catching the tripod and the camera crashed to the desk.

It seems my new setup in my office isn’t as stable as I thought it was.

That’s okay. Less than a week into using it and I’m still experimenting with it all.

Most of us spend some time experimenting in the new year. We’re trying out new (to us) things, or we’re tweaking our practices and processes in some way.

When we approach our new year’s goals and plans with curiosity and wonder, we drop expectations and open up possibility through questions and inquiry.

What if I try this?

I wonder if that will work better?

Ooh, that’s interesting. How could I apply it to …

And, as any great scientist will attest, it is unrealistic to expect to try something once to discover what we’re looking for.

I’m curious, what experiments are you testing in work and life in 2023?


New Year Culture


Pause. Reflect. Go