Taking Stock

My son has an extra shift this week for stocktake. Whilst he’s not looking forward to hours of counting the multiple small items sold at his workplace, it made me think about the joy of taking stock in a different sense.

For most of us, we are busy with work, family and life commitments. We find it difficult to schedule in time to do a regular stocktake.

When we look around the ‘storeroom’ of our life, we can take a closer look at the different ‘boxes’ for health, relationships, family, work, physical environment, personal development/satisfaction, social and recreation, finances, community and others.

What’s in the box? How does each area of your life look right now? Is there an excess or a lack in each area? What does ‘just right’ look like?

How does life feel? How fulfilled are you with each area of your life? What is getting in the way of feeling how you desire?

Taking stock affords us a moment to examine and understand what is important and what we really want to have/do/be. It also provides us with a vision and pathway for moving towards the change we seek.

Whilst there may not be as much counting in the stocktake of life, the benefits definitely add up, don’t you agree.


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