Surprise Change

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“What are you doing for your birthday?”, I ask. “I’m not sure, it’s a surprise” my friend replies.


It got me wondering about the difference between this sort of surprise and the surprises we often encounter in our workplaces.

Most of the time, we are happy to be the recipient of a birthday surprise. However, the surprises we encounter within our workplaces often create stress and anxiety.

The variance comes from the trust factor. We trust our friends and family to have our best interests at heart. We trust that there is no hidden agenda to our birthday plans. We trust that we will be better off despite not knowing what is planned.

An abundance of trust provides us with a feeling of safety and security. We have comfort in uncertainty and not knowing.

Perhaps in our workplaces we might focus on building an abundance of trust. How might that help us create a culture where change and uncertainty is welcomed not feared?


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