Starts & Finishes

Can we start and finish at the same time?

I think we can.

Our linear thinking wants us focus on the one start and the one finish.

Yet the complex, multi-faceted way of our workplaces means there is never a single line with one start and one finish. Each of the lines are curving, circling, zigging and zagging, starting and stopping.

Yes, it can be a bit dizzying. It can feel as though we’re not making progress, and it can make it difficult to know where to focus.

Today is the start of the week, and the finish of the month, and it has us doing a bit of simultaneous starting and finishing. Adding a full-stop to some things, a new paragraph for others, looping back to something else, and pausing to reflect, helps me to add structure, clarity and focus.

How about you? I’m curious, how do you navigate the complexity (or chaos) of it all?


Doing Something


Trust The Process