Refilling The Tank

If only refilling our tank was as simple as driving to a fuel station.

We humans have such unique and varied fuel needs that it is near impossible to create a one-stop shop.

How might you refill your tank?

Time on your own,

Time with others,

Time in nature,



Switch off your brain,

Use your brain,

Read, write, watch,

Talk, listen,

Reflect, journal, find gratitude,

Discourse, problem solving,

Fun, games,

Joy, laughter,

Deep thinking and contemplation,

Meditation and mindfulness,

And more.

It might be all, or one, or some.

Stopping to refill our tank is vital, and as obvious as it might seem to state that, there’s a reason our cars come with a low-fuel warning.

Perhaps we humans do, too.

If so, what’s refilling your tank this weekend?


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