Race Your Race

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It’s important to race your own race.

I’ve heard this a number of times while watching some of the Tokyo Olympic Games this week.

Yes, it’s important if you’re swimming, rowing or cycling in an Olympic race. And, it’s as important for the rest of us.

What does racing our own race look like in work and life?

Being strong in our vision
What are we working toward? Having a clear picture of what winning looks like.

Trust the process
What have we done, and are we doing, each day/week/month/year to work toward that vision? Daily habits and practices are the key to achieving success.

Remain focused
Look straight ahead, and don’t compare. Keep the vision vivid in our mind’s eye.

Harness our inner voice
Remaining confident that we have done the work. Using any doubts to reaffirm our deep knowing.

If we can’t go after our vision and goals in our own way, then who can! Are you racing your own race?


Try New Things


Stop. Start. Go!