Pressing Pause

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We know that taking a break from something is good for us. We get to step back, rest and reinvigorate. When we come back to it, our energy, motivation and joy is greater.

Savouring such moments is important.

❓ What does it feel like to restart?

❓ What have I missed during the time away?

❓ How might I not take these moments of joy for granted in the future?

This weekend I’ve had the opportunity to reconnect with some fellow writers in a weekly writing ritual. Reading their writing after a season’s break has been pure delight.

It’s another lesson in balance.

Whilst I uphold the importance of my regular rhythm of daily/weekly/monthly habits and practices, I also see that there is a place for pressing pause on some things.

After all, that’s when we get to experience the joy of pressing play again.


Rabbit Holes


Days of Possible