Practice Uncertainty

Despite knowing that the world we live and work in is uncertain and ever-changing, it is part of the human condition to yearn for stability and control.

There is an ever-present tension between the two.

In our workplaces, we have a focus on planning and organisation, calendars and deadlines.

Equally, we are encouraged to

Go with the flow;

Be adaptable and flexible; and

Be open to change.

Yet for most of us it takes effort to feel comfortable with the curve balls and unexpected events we encounter every day at work or home. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if things went according to the plan!

When things don’t go as I anticipate, I like to stop and reflect on my reaction and response. How did I adapt to the change? What feelings did I work through? What might I do differently next time?

We can learn to navigate our way through uncertainty and change. It just takes a little practice.


The Next Step


Best Thinking