Practice If You Can

Practice makes better, as the saying goes.

The holidays provide a great opportunity to practice much-needed 21st century skills.

Such as …


How will I wrap this weirdly shaped gift?


Ignited by the array of weirdly shaped gifts under the tree.

Empathy and understanding.

For the myriad ways in which the holidays impact us.

Difference resolution.

Because I like this, you like that, and we both love something else entirely.

Managing change and uncertainty.

Life happens, and plans can (and will) change.


What are the holidays without a good, bad and in-between story, or three!

And, I could go on.

Whatever we find ourselves doing over the holidays, there are bound to be opportunities for learning, practicing and embedding the real skills needed in work and life.

I’m curious, what skills might you be practicing this holiday period?


Let Go And Live


Always Be Learning