Power of Pause

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There is power in a pause.

Whether it be the full-stop I just used on that sentence, or the moments I choose in between being busy doing ‘stuff’. A pause gives us a chance to breathe. Pausing is life-giving.

I’m reading Julia Baird’s, Phosphorescence and in the chapter titled: Why We Need Silence, she muses: if generations of mystics and seekers have insisted that something connects silence with the sublime, you have to wonder who we could be if we paused more often.

Indeed, I do wonder.

We live in a culture where the opportunities for silence, stillness and pausing are limited. They will continue to decrease unless we seek them out and make them happen.

This weekend I’m seeking out moments of stillness and silence. I’m asking myself, who could I be if I pause? And, I plan to find out.


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