Own Wisdom

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It’s a while since Aristotle suggested knowing ourselves is a good idea and I’m pleased that during my lifetime the idea has caught on more widely.

No longer is a journey of self discovery one reserved for philosophers, poets and the like. In today’s workplaces we often have the opportunity for greater self awareness, learning and growth.

Rather than waiting for these opportunities to come our way, we can use the practice of self-directed questions, to reflect and contemplate how we are growing, changing, and showing up.

As we head into the weekend, it’s the perfect time for some reflection. Time to ask some questions, such as:

❓ How do I feel?

❓ What is going well for me?

❓ What are my current challenges?

❓ What are my core beliefs?

❓ How do I express, and live true, to my values?

❓ What do I need, or want, to change?

❓ What am I learning?

❓ Where is my favourite place to be?

❓ What is my favourite thing to do?

❓ What three words best describe me?

These, and any other questions we might add to the list, are great prompts for reflective thinking and contemplation. When we start by seeking out and understanding the wisdom of ourselves, we are on our way to doing and being the best we can. A journey worth going on, don’t you agree?


Days of Possible


Time Munchers