

This was the one word message I received earlier this week.

Hmmm … is that an extra-high dosage of overwhelm? Or a case of being over the feeling of overwhelm?

Either way, struggling through the working week with any level of overwhelm is not ideal.

Many of us know we need a short-term reset when over (or overover) whelm strikes but can find doing so just as overwhelming.

Given there’s no one size fits all solution, I’m a huge proponent of trying out options until one hits the spot.

It might be resetting your mind - getting all of those to-do’s out of your head, prioritising the must-do’s from the can-do-later’s, sharing the load and asking for help.

It might be resetting your body - deep breathing, a walk around the block, a non-work related conversation and a little laughter therapy.

It might be resetting your environment - finding a quiet place to work, turning off notifications and phone on silent, and some time away from the screen.

And, it might be resetting all of the above.

Even when we have embedded work practices to keep overwhelm at bay, it is natural for it to creep up on us every now and again. As we know, life happens.

I’m curious, when you notice it, feel it and need to get out from under it, what’s your go to overwhelm reset practice?


Another Year


Laughing @ Work