One. Small. Step.

One. Small. Step.

We can all take one small step, can’t we!?

In a recent feedback and reflection session, one person shared the joy and gratitude that comes from being where they are in their work and life, interlaced with a healthy dose of fear and anxiety of being where they are in their work and life. 

Their feelings of excitement and trepidation had morphed into overwhelm where they were unsure of how to move forward.

At which point, it often comes back to the one, small step.

How do we reduce the enormity of the thoughts, feelings and goals we have? What is the minimum viable solution? What is the next thing we can do? How do we eat that elephant? [side note: of course, I’d never suggest we eat an elephant].

When it’s (really, truly, no-more-stalling) time to move forward with what we are seeking to achieve, we must find and take that




followed by another, and another, and as many anothers as we need to start, gain momentum, reduce overwhelm, build confidence and courage, and make it happen.

Which makes me wonder, what is your one, small step?


It’s No Surprise


Busy Being Bored