One Minute

Every week at this time, on a regular group call, we start with a quick (and sometimes more luxurious) check in.

How has the past week been? What is happening for me at this moment? How do I feel? What do I need / want to share with others? What question/s do I have for the group this week?

They are organic, wide-ranging and reflect the ebb and flow, ups and downs of work and life.

We each have shared how helpful it is to take this opportunity and pause for thought each week.

It always has me wondering how we can all make time to check in with ourselves.

I spend much of my time working with people under enormous time and productivity related pressure. Running on auto pilot each week to meet work and client needs … and not to mention personal and family ones.

“I don’t have time to breathe, let alone think …” are words I hear often.

And yet we are doing both, even if not consciously.

What if we gave ourselves a minute to take a deep breath and check in on how things are going? In the shower, as we get out of bed, standing at the bus stop, riding the lift in our building … pick a moment, take a minute and do a check in.

As the saying goes, wisdom begins in wonder.

I wonder what you might discover.


Views On Change


Little Things