No Surprises

“I suspected it was that …”

These words from the birthday person had me thinking about the saying: if it is a surprise, you probably aren’t looking closely enough.

Admittedly, it is the reason I don’t like a sneak peak at gifts - wrapped ones, even - as my curious brain likes to decipher the puzzle.

In other parts of life where surprises are not helpful nor fun, it pays to pay attention, for few things sneak up on us without any warning.

It is why I argue that curiosity and care are core workplace skills, as we need to be paying attention, engaged and inquiring with the work itself, our teams and broader environment. Joining dots, deciphering puzzles, observing, listening, asking great questions, come from bringing curiosity and care to all that we do.

I’m curious, what are you paying attention to in your work today?


Idle Time


Can - Can’t Do