Meaning Matters

It’s a warm day.

It’s a firm statement with a less firm meaning.

When my son made comment of the warm day experienced on his travels and it was just above freezing point, I couldn’t help but consider the mid-summer’s day I was experiencing. Opposite ends of the spectrum and both are warm.

Likewise, the chances are that what I consider warm, you don’t.

The same applies with our journey of change.

Chances are that what I consider important, you don’t.

Or, what I consider valuable, you don’t.

Or, what I consider unfocused and lazy, you don’t.

Or, what I consider ready, you don’t.

And, as we work our way through the things that we might wrestle with, and place in our way of change, be sure to consider the different meanings.

Remember, this is your change, and it is your meaning that matters.


Co Is The Key


Make Time