Magic Wands

With my magic wand, I would …

How would you finish this sentence?

Fairy tales and movies allow us to imagine what it would be like to have a magic wand. We are whisked into a world full of possibility and triumph.

Of course, reality is never far away.

Yet, it’s useful to imagine. When we imagine what we would do if it were possible, it shines a light on what is important to us. We get to wonder about what we could make happen, what we could stop, what we might change?

We get to consider what might be possible. We get to envision what triumph looks like.

Imagining the outcomes if we did have a magic wand, helps us to turn that possibility into reality-based actions.

I’m curious, as you consider what might be possible this coming week, how might you finish the sentence:

with my magic wand, I would ….


Look Back For Change


Full Of Hope