Live And Learn

You live and learn.

So said Douglas Adams in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

To which I say, we sure do!

It is tempting to think of learning as only happening during discrete, intentional and/or formal activities. Yet for as long as we are alive, we are learning.

As part of my weekly reflections, I often ask: what did I learn this week?

The answer is always as wide as it is long. This week it includes everything from discovering that the squiggly line on my keyboard (~) is called a tilde; a nifty math-hack; how to fix a persistent (and annoying) tech bug; all the way through to uncovering how some of my earliest career stories impact on the work I do today.

I might say it has been a week of learning.

Or, I might celebrate that it has been a week of living.

How about you? I’m curious what was on your ‘live and learn’ list this week.


Intuitive Mastery


Wishing ≠ Hoping