Learning From Novices

In the heat of summer, the weather features in many a conversation.

On one of the warm days, we found ourselves discussing how one person’s ‘sweltering’ is another person’s ‘comfortable’. We recalled news from recent years when the UK was experiencing an unprecedented heat wave, and locals had discovered novel ways to keep cool. The examples given were: putting socks in freezer, a packet of frozen peas under your shirt while on the underground transport, or putting your bed sheets in the freezer.

As an Aussie, these ideas seem so strange, but we’ve had a lifetime of adapting and mastering hot weather living.

I wonder, do we have something to learn from a novice?

When we see ourselves as having mastered something, to know all there is to know, we can close our minds to opportunities for learning and innovation.

What if we remained open to discovering new information and skills from those who come after us?

Yes, we may chuckle a little at the ideas we hear about.

And we might well find one or two are just what we need, don’t you agree.


Through The Cracks


Adapt To Conditions