Learn By Doing

You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over. Sir Richard Branson

We learn by doing.

It's true, isn't it?

Often we are so busy either trying to learn, or write, the rules for something, that we forget that most learning happens in the doing. ⠀⠀
When we do something, take time to reflect on it, and then adapt and improve our doing, we are learning.⠀

This is a lesson we can take into all parts of our lives. In our workplaces, I see too many people waiting for the how-to from others - often a boss - before they take action. Or to think that the magic bullet for a problem lies purely in what's written in a book, or on the latest podcast.⠀

My greatest learnings have come when I've given something a go, fallen over and then got back up again to give it another go.⠀

How about you?


Sweet Spot


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