It’s Not Ideal

There’s never an ideal time.

I was reminded of such as I found myself half-awake, half-dreaming in the early hours of the morning.

It was this moment that my brain chose to work on an idea it has been noodling on for days.

I kept my eyes tightly shut as I knew it wasn’t yet time to get up, and at the same time, I allowed myself enough consciousness so as not to lose the inspiration.

When I did properly wake, I quickly captured the ideas on paper and thanked my brain for its work.

Whilst there is a school of thought that we should neatly draw lines and boxes around our time for maximum focus and productivity, it overlooks the magic of things happening as they are supposed to happen.

No, it’s not always an ideal time. But, it’s the one we have and we best use it, don’t you agree.


Waiting? For What?

