It’s A Lot
It’s a lot.
Whether at a personal level, in our communities, our neighbourhoods, our workplaces, our country, our world, there is always a lot happening. Life is filled with all of the ups, downs, positives, challenges, triumph, overwhelm and even tragedy.
There is
a lot to hold;
a lot to navigate; and
a lot that provides perspective.
There is
a lot to be grateful for;
a lot to energise us; and
a lot to enjoy.
There is
a lot to comprehend;
a lot to learn; and
a lot to do.
When we recognise that it’s a lot for us, our friends and family, our colleagues, and all,
perhaps we can bring care, understanding, grace and courage to move through work and life in a human way.
Yes, it’s a lot
And so are we.