It Is Enough

“I needed that”

These were the words from my friend after a quick exchange of messages.

It had started when I sent a meme of a tired looking cat and the words: I’m going to use what little energy I have today to breathe … and maybe blink.

And when my friend replied that this was about as far as they might get today, too, I responded with: it’s enough.

Yes. It is enough.

If all you’ve got in you today is to breathe, blink, eat and drink, and sleep, it is enough.

We don’t need to feel lazy or guilty or ________ [insert your own negative feeling] when we’re tired. We don’t need permission to take a break.

We need to look at that picture of the sleepy cat and say, I’ll have what he’s having.

It’s the weekend and it’s enough.


Care Creates Change


Playful Results