Incurious Ostrich

There’s a Maya Angelou quote that says: do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better.

It’s a statement full of strength and grace, and it shows us a path toward positive change.

When we face uncertainty and volatility, have complex problems to solve with new ideas and solutions, this quote gives us hope that when we (individually and collectively) know better that we will do better.

What often stops us the incurious ostrich effect - if we remain ignorant and in denial, then there is no impetus for change. And whilst sticking our head in the sand might stem from our natural human cognitive bias toward the positive, and a strong desire to remain in our comfort zones, I’d suggest deep down, we do know better.

Change happens when we have the courage to lift our head out of the sand, be curious to learn and discover what better looks like, and care enough to do better. It takes confidence and conviction to show up as a change maker when many hold tight to the status quo.

We know the status quo isn’t working. We know better exists. It’s time for better.

I’m curious, where might you find an opportunity for doing better this coming week?


Choose Growth


Thinking Time