Going Far, Together

If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.

I’m a big fan of this African proverb.

In our fast-paced, increasingly individual-focused world it is easy to lose sight of

… the importance of people working together for a purpose, and

… that much of our purposeful work - and change - is a long game.

Any long term endeavour requires persistent and consistent action. As humans, our action is invariably messy, we’re not machines that can run 24/7 in a steady forward motion. Instead our journey to change is step by step, back and forth, up and down, round and round. We start. We stop. We start again. We re-trace steps. We get stuck. We get moving. We laugh. We cry. We shout … with joy and frustration (sometimes at the same time!)

And, as humans, this journey was only ever designed to be one we take together.

It’s worth asking, who are you working with on the journey of purposeful work and change?


There’s Time


Keep Climbing