Feel The Change

“I feel like things are about to change …”

When this comment came during a recent coaching session, I was reminded of tipping points.

We often feel a tipping point before we see it. We’ve absorbed the signs of change. We’ve connected all of the dots. We’ve sensed the shifts, both subtle and major.

Physics professor, John Fontanella, says that ‘the tipping point is not a question of if, but when.’

Change happens drip by drip.

Change builds.

And, change happens.

Knowing there is a tipping point gives us hope for the change we personally seek to make. And, it gives us hope for the broader change we hope to influence.

If you’re feeling like things are about to change, chances are they are.

I’m curious, where’s the next tipping point of change coming in your work and life?


Scattered Focus

