Feedback Is a Gift
What type of feedback are you seeking?
This was the question I asked my son when he had asked to read over something he had written.
It can sometimes feel frustrating to receive a question in response to a question.
Yet often feedback is provided based on the assumptions of the giver, and is not as helpful as it can be.
As a feedback giver, clarifying questions enable us to know:
What information are you seeking?
What will be useful for you?
In what form will this feedback be most valuable?
As a feedback seeker (and receiver) these questions show that their needs are important, and helps to make sure they are met in the feedback process.
Feedback is a vital part of learning and growing, and for putting our best work into the world. Effective feedback meets this mark and gives us information and data we can put to good use. An effective feedback process reinforces that seeking out, and giving, feedback is a worthwhile and rewarding practice.
Feedback truly is a gift for all involved, don’t you agree?