Enjoy The Outcome

“It was nothing like I expected …”

“ … and I really enjoyed it!”

These were my son’s words as he described a new food he tried on holiday.

It is difficult to suspend our expectations whether it be about an experience with food, a work meeting, a new opportunity, and more. Yet this is vital in adopting new ideas and change.

Of course, I’m reminded that we often find it easier when there is little, or no, pressure on the outcome.

Trying a new food might feel low stakes - we might love it, like it, tolerate it, or dislike it.

What if we were to lower the stakes of other new experiences in our work and lives. Because they’re much the same - they might go well, or not.

When we suspend our expectations, we may find ourselves surprised at the outcomes.

I really enjoy that, how about you?


Care To Change


Ready Or Not