Easy To Say

It’s easy to say…

harder to do.

So goes the reality for much of work and life.

In a world of marketing slogans and soundbites, it is natural to find ourselves using a similar approach to our own motivation, learning and change.

Be open.

Stay curious.

Embrace uncertainty.

And so on, and so forth.

One of the biggest challenges we face is the knowing-doing gap. When we read or hear something that we know to be true, yet is something we struggle to put into action, it can land as a doubt or failure in our mind.

It makes us wobbly in the face of what we are trying to achieve. It may cause us to change course, or give up.

It’s easy to say: be, stay, embrace, do.

Being. Staying. Embracing. Doing.

… are not quite as easy.

What if we consider our openness, curiosity, ability to navigate uncertainty etc as skills we are learning? Instead of soundbites and slogans, what does the long game of learning, practice and mastery of these skills look like?

I wonder how it moves us closer to:

Easy to say, possible to do.


Stick The Learning


U-Shaped Learning