Early Warnings

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I received the early warning notice yesterday afternoon telling me to expect a possible storm with strong, gusty winds. The suggestion being to batten down the hatches and be prepared for what might come 24 hours later. As I listen to the wind picking up outside my office window, I wonder what may be coming and if I’m adequately prepared.

We can often wonder the same when it comes to our work.

What might be coming?


Am I adequately prepared for it?

When we have our own early warning systems (ie. purpose and goals, plans and schedules etc) they can help us to identify and be prepared for what is coming our way.

Like the weather, though, work doesn’t always pan out as we expect.

That’s where our adaptability skills come to the fore.

When we:
— trust in our core strengths and capabilities,
— keep our focus on what is important, and
— change course as we need to,
we can remain confident that whether it be gusty winds and rain, or a bit of a fizzer, we’re ready for it.


Stop. Start. Go!


Another Day