Do What You Love

Do what you love

And you’ll never work a day in your life.

Now, there’s something many of us aspire to.

What happens when we achieve it?

We live happily ever after. Or, do we?

People say to me, “I love my work …. but … “

and proceed to recount what they don’t love, what they find difficult and wonder when they might reach the ‘happily ever after’ version of doing work you love.

Of course, doing what we love, and never working, doesn’t mean things will never be tough, or a drudge.

It’s the reason I have a block of time in my calendar dedicated to Things I Don’t Want To Do. It’s the time to buckle down and do the mundane must-do’s, and not be distracted by the super-fun Things I Love To Do list. Together they create a whole that is enjoyable and rewarding.

What about you? I’m curious how doing what you love works for you?


Eye Spy … And Learn


“So far”, “Not yet”