Disappearing Problems

Have you ever experienced the problem of the disappearing problem?

Essentially, this is the scenario where:

there was a problem, and,

now there is no problem.

Doesn’t sound like a problem, does it!?

Except a disappearing problem is different to a solved problem.

A solved problem is one we have been actively working on. It takes some (or lots of) awareness and effort. We solve it, and we move on.

A disappearing problem is one that sits in the ‘to be worked on’ pile. Unlikely to be an urgent problem, although it may be an important one. We may have tried (and failed) to solve it. It may be triaged for future attention. We may be waiting for the right time, or information, or resources.

In the meantime, without our knowing, disappearing problems disappear. They inadvertently solve themselves.

So, what’s the problem?

How they get solved without us knowing isn’t the problem.

Carrying them around with us as unsolved problems is the problem.

We find ourselves holding them heavy on our shoulders, or in our hearts, and allocating a portion of mental and emotional energy to them. This is happening at all times, not just in the moments they rise to the top of the attention pile.

As we climb through the middle of our weeks, it might be a good time to check in on our problems.

What if we could unburden ourselves through discovering a disappearing problem, or two?


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