Creative Change

As the saying goes, if we want to achieve something different, we need to try something different.

In a deep-dive discussion on creative practices, someone shared a story about how they keep going with their creative projects. Someone asked the following question:

How can I achieve more focus on my creativity?

It prompted a sharing of all the different approaches and tactics …

Taking a walk


Using focus apps

Listening to music


Visiting the library

Doodling and drawing

Talking to and sharing with others

… to name a few.

The interesting thing is how this combination aligns with the research that shows creativity, like learning, benefits from intense periods of focus combined with periods of diffused attention.

There is no one size fits all when it comes to creativity.

We can be creative when doing the work itself. We can spark creativity by doing other non-related activities. And, we can embed creativity when resting and relaxing.

Importantly, if what we’re doing right now isn’t working, we get to try something different.

I wonder what different result we might achieve.


What Is Possible?


Encourage Courage