Cognitive Dissonance

The sun streamed through the window, warming my back, as I watched the televised sporting match being played in cold and wet conditions. The cognitive dissonance was real.

Cognitive dissonance can often make us feel uncomfortable, and we humans have a tendency to move away from discomfort.

It is, however, a useful tool when we’re seeking change.

When we tune into the shift that happens in both our mind and body when we encounter contradictory situations, it makes gathering the data for our change efforts much easier.

It might be sensing the disconnect between what we’re saying and we’re doing; the gap between what we see and what we hear; and the difference between what we want and need. In each event, we’re able to identify possibilities for change.

Our desire for change can only become a reality when we get clear about the change we need. Cognitive dissonance can help us with this clarity.

I’m curious, how might you use the cognitive dissonance you experience to spark a new way forward?


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