Chaos and Peace

“… in order to have peace you must face chaos …”

These words from poet, Dede Hawkins, explore a commonly experienced paradox.

Talking to people about the opening quarter of this year, many are expressing the chaos in work and life. There is a yearning for greater ease, more space, and the peace that seems just out of reach thanks to the ever-present chaos.

This poem is a reminder of the ‘and’ we experience. Life - and work, as a big part of it - is full of paradox.

Ups and Downs

Good times and Tough times

Chaos and Peace

Success and Failure

And so on, and so forth.

Where we experience one, we find the other is near.

As you reflect on the first three months of the year, I’m curious, what do you see?

If you’re feeling the chaos, where might you find peace?

How is the paradox of work and life be able to give you what you need right now?

Full poem:

One thing I’ve learned,

life is a paradox.

In order to heal you must hurt,

in order to love you must break open,

in order to have peace you must face chaos.

Never regret any experiences in your life,

because it is always meant

to bring you balance.

The light always follows.

Dede Hawkins


Wasting Time


Start With N=1