Changing Reality

Perspective is everything.

It is also subjective. What we see often depends upon where we are standing.

Sometimes our external environment changes around us, offering us the opportunity for a different - or, new - perspective.

With an alternative perspective, change becomes possible. Deeper understanding, fresh solutions, empathy and connection with others, and motivation to do things differently.

The good news is we can actively pursue a new perspective for almost any situation we are confronted with.

Asking ourselves questions, such as:

What am I grateful for in this moment?

How would I (objectively) describe this to someone else?

What have I learned?

How does this align with my long-held beliefs?

Asking others questions, such as:

What do you see?

What are the costs / benefits of your perspective?

As the saying goes, “your reality is as you perceive it to be …

Is it time for a change in your reality?


Valuing Fun


Change Toolkit