Change of Scenery

As the sun streams through my office window, I’m reminded of when I was at school and on sunny days we were able to go outside to do our work.

Of course, school has changed since then and children aren’t always confined to working from a desk in the classroom.

One thing that hasn’t changed, though, is the impact that a change of environment has on our energy, motivation and productivity. It’s the reason I’ve long advocated for mixing up our workday routines.

It’s one of the reasons why hybrid working arrangements have become many people’s preferred option. It’s much easier to add a little variety into our working day.

And, when we’re in the office for the day, how might we build in a change of scenery?

Yes, there’s always the local coffee shop for a meeting. How about a walk and talk meeting? Or those lobby couches that few people ever seem to use.

When it’s time for uninterrupted deep work, take yourself off to the local park or library. Or, make use of technology by dictating notes to yourself during a walk [I promise no-one looks strangely at you 😉].

The flexibility to choose how we work is an important element of a healthy workplace culture. With trust and permission for others (and ourselves!) we can add a little sunshine to our working days.


Embrace New


Sensing Change