Burning Questions

What if we were to ask the burning question?

In my “if I had a dollar” series, I include the number of times I hear someone say:

Oh, I was wondering about that …

I wanted to ask that question, too …

I didn’t know …

I just assumed …

I am so glad you asked that question …

It’s part of being human to be curious, to have questions, and to want to know. Yet, we’re often taught early to hold our questions inside and that it is better to have answers than questions. We carry these lessons into our workplaces where it is reinforced that our competence and value comes from what we know.

And, so it is that the questions - even the vital, game-changing, burning ones - remain unasked.

What if we created workplaces where curiosity, exploration and discovery were at the core? What if we encouraged the questions that fuelled deeper understanding and alignment? What if it were safe to be vulnerable? What if we invited learning and growth in via questions?

What might change if you were to ask your burning question?


Are You Ready?


Reassess & Reassert