Blue Moon Moments

We’re experiencing a blue moon moment.

If you follow lunar movements, you will know that we are in the midst of a super blue moon. The next is due in 2037.

Hence the saying, once in a blue moon.

I often hear people use this saying with a wistful tone.

Oh, that …. THAT only happens once in a blue moon.

What if it wasn’t the case? What if we could have some of our ‘that’ on a more regular basis? What if we didn’t have to wait until 2037 for the next ‘that’?

In many aspects of work, and life, there is no good reason for the once in a blue moon story we often accept without question.

On the long list of ‘thats’ I have observed are things like: open and regular feedback; prioritising the important over the urgent; taking a long-term view; building space and time in our days for movement, creativity, and connection; solving real problems; aiming for substance over form … and so on, and so forth.

The great thing is that we can change the story, and by doing so, we get to keep once in a blue moon moments for blue moons.

I’m curious, what’s something you would like to see happen more often than once in a blue moon?


New Seasons


Self Fulfilling