Believe In Magic

Do you believe in magic?

In the words of poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, “magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen”.

Self-belief can feel like a magic trick that others know the answer to, and one that evades us.

It’s not unusual for people to admit that they feel like the ONLY person in the world who has any self-doubt. Of course, we know that isn’t true. And, when I get people talking about self-belief, we invariably end up talking about the inner voice of doubt that most of us experience at some point or another.

If we’re going to make change happen, we need to change the self-doubt to self-belief.

One place to start is by reframing the voice of self-doubt. It might sound simple, but our words are powerful.

What if you tried changing,

I can’t to I can

I don’t to I do

I am not to I am

What say you? Are you ready for the magic of self-belief in making change happen?


Playful Results


Change The Story